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When playing the violin, the violin is held between the left hand, left shoulder and chin, and the bow is pulled with the right hand. In addition to holding the neck of the violin, the left hand may also hold specific strings at specific positions to adjust the pitch of the violin depending on the needs of the music. .Real Doll

The violin can be played standing or sitting, and violinists will most likely stand when performing solos. When playing chamber music or playing in a symphony orchestra, most people will sit down,große brüste sexpuppen but there are exceptions. If playing while seated, the violinist needs to adjust the position of his right leg so as not to affect the movement of the bow.

Learning the violin is not easy, especially when you first learn the violin. Mini Sex Doll The sound is not pleasant and learning is boring, which is a major bottleneck. Violin learners need to spend several years practicing to become a good violinist. You can start with some songs that don't require complex and precise hand movements, such as "Little Star". While practicing these simpler pieces, you will also build some basic skills needed to practice other playing techniques, such as bow and violin grip. As a violinist becomes more and more confident in the technique of his hands, the repertoire becomes more and more difficult. When necessary, violinists also need to learn playing techniques that can enhance the music, including playing vibrato and smooth right-hand bow movement.

The violinist must first learn to place his fingers in a position that allows the violin to produce the correct pitch, which is called intonation. The violinist must also practice vibrato and control the fretting fingers to make the pitch rise and fall.Sexpuppen mit flachen Brüsten

In addition to plucking the strings, the violin also has many special skills. For example, portamento, glissando, overtones, etc. The violin can also play double tones, chords or modified tunings. There are also bow throwing, bow jumping, etc.

Three important books in the 18th century provided a systematic summary of the traditional violin playing methods at that time. They are: "The Art of Violin Playing" by Geminiani in Italy, and "Violin Teaching Method" by Leopold Mozart in Austria. ”, and French Raphael’s “Principles of Violin Playing”Sexpuppen mit großem Po



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