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Can stress really be cured?


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An effective method of dealing with severe stress in the second stage is to “breathe anxiety”: inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, then exhale all your anxieties through your mouth into an imaginary ball. After each exhalation, you need to imagine how the ball increases in size. When the balloon is inflated, you need to release it. He will fly away and take all the worries with him.

You may need psychological auto-training under the guidance of a doctor. The specialist will help you figure out what to do with the problem: solve or accept, and will also control the entire recovery process.

The third stage is relaxation and calm. It can be described as the main treatment and development of stress resistance of the body.

Ways to treat nervous stress and prevention techniques

Treatment and subsequent prevention of stress can be carried out by two main methods: drug and non-drug.

Non-drug treatment. It has been established that most physical diseases are the consequences of chronic stress, so you need to learn how to manage stress: isolate yourself from the stressor or change your attitude towards it; try to get more positive emotions. It is also important to communicate with nature, short walks, listening to music.

Non-drug ways to deal with any stress include dietary nutrition.

It involves the rejection of heavy food (in order to make it easier for the body to absorb it and not waste extra energy on digestion). So, for example, fried meat, legumes, lard, fatty confectionery and milk chocolate should be excluded from the diet. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of potatoes, bread, red meat.

Answering the question of how to relieve nervous stress with proper nutrition at home, psychotherapists recommend eating mostly raw food: fruits, vegetables. Also allowed are cereals (buckwheat and pearl barley, rich in vitamins and trace elements), dairy and sour-milk products, dark chocolate and boiled chicken meat. You yourself will not notice how you begin to feel better.

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Well, surely many of you have heard of cbd products for mental health. On the BlessedCBD website you can find Unbeatable prices for buying quality cbd capsules. These CBD capsules are all natural and interact with your endocannabinoid system to give you the ability to get rid of stress even without a visit to the doctor.

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