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Escort as a present? Morally okay?


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Hi everyone! 😊

It's my friend's birthday in a week and together with others of our mutual friends we have decided to surprise him. We know that he wants a lot to take services of escort models but doesn't have enough money. So we have decided to give him this opportunity.

What do you think about escort? Do you find it morally reprehensible to give away an evening with a model? 🤔

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Your gift idea seemed a bit strange to me. In fact, there are a lot of creative gifts you can take for him, for example, a ticket for a cruise, a gift card for video games and so on. But you know better. Once he has such a wish, then he will surely be very happy and surprised. 🙂

I don't know the exact price for an escort service, but I assume it is affordable especially when you are with some other friends. You can check the details from https://www.victoria-models-escorts.com/escort-cities/escorts-dusseldorf.html They have contact notes there. My cousin makes use of this service as he always calls escort girls when he is in Dusseldorf. He frequently goes there for business meetings. So a nice lady is a good companion for him both for business dinners and for city tours. 😌 He makes use of the high-class service and doesn't complain about the price.

Morally, you have to judge for yourself if it's okay for you. Your friend seems to think it is good if he has already expressed the wish himself. For the ladies, it is their job and they do not know that you have chosen them as a gift.

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  • 2 Jahre später...

Gift-giving should always be considerate and respectful of the recipient's values and boundaries. When it comes to arranging an evening with an escort model as a surprise gift, it's essential to consider your friend's comfort and moral stance on the matter. Some people may not have any moral objections, while others might find it uncomfortable or inappropriate. The key is to know your friend well and ensure that the gift aligns with their preferences and values. Communication and consent are crucial in any thoughtful gift-giving process.

Bearbeitet von baarsofia4
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  • 1 Monat später...

That sounds like a unique birthday surprise for your friend. When it comes to the topic of escorts, opinions can vary greatly based on personal beliefs and cultural norms. Some people might see it as a harmless and enjoyable experience, while others might have moral reservations. As for the idea of gifting an evening with an escort model, it ultimately depends on your friend's values and preferences. It's important to consider his comfort level and boundaries before proceeding with such a surprise.

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Am 8.12.2023 um 15:22 schrieb Wunderno:

That sounds like a unique birthday surprise for your friend. When it comes to the topic of escorts, opinions can vary greatly based on personal beliefs and cultural norms. Some people might see it as a harmless and enjoyable experience, while others might have moral reservations. As for the idea of gifting an evening with an escort model, it ultimately depends on your friend's values and preferences. It's important to consider his comfort level and boundaries before proceeding with such a surprise.

By the way, if you're looking for escort services, check out this agency with the finest, best-looking girls in London. They offer a variety of services and have a reputation for providing high-quality experiences.

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